Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Paris, Standby, International!

When diagnosed with food allergies, it may feel like a death sentence. Luckily, there is so much knowledge and research out there now, this is not the case. There is a process called desensitization that can help you to enjoy the foods you love once again.

Desensitization is exactly that. It teaches your body not to react to your allergies by feeding it tiny amounts every day until your body becomes accustomed. This non-invasive process involves taking drops under your tongue everyday and avoiding your allergens for at least 6 weeks, sometimes longer depending on your body and sensitivity level to each allergen. Once your body becomes desensitized, you can begin to slowly add back in the foods you once had to avoid like the plague.

I began desensitizing 3 months ago and, in combination with acupuncture, have received positive results. My big prize at the end of this journey? Paris! During one appointment, my doctor and I discussed the food differences between France and the United States. Since I was going to Paris anyways, we thought it would be interesting to start adding my allergens back in over there instead of here, as another stepping stone for my body to ease back into these foods.

Many people with food allergies and sensitivities go to France, eat what they want and don't have a single problem. Why is this? Well, in France, everything is truly natural. Their food doesn't need labels stating that it's "All Natural" or "Organic" because it just is. Food there is grown, produced and eaten just as it was meant to be, unlike here where the soil is pumped with chemicals, the plants are sprayed, fresh vegetables and fruits are trucked in from other countries miles and miles away, nutrients is taken out only to be added back in, animals are caged up and injected with hormones and antibiotics, and everything is loaded with extra corn, sugar, soy, gluten and whey. It is grown right there without chemicals, in season and produced without altering or adding anything to it. When food is grown and eaten exactly as it was intended, the body rarely forms an allergy to it.

During my 4 days in the magical city of Paris, I will be documenting my experience, with a croissant in hand. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

As Always,

Here's to Life, Love, Health and Happiness! À Votre Santé, and Au Revoir!

Note: For more information on desensitization refer to these sites or visit North Seattle Natural Medicine to get started!

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