Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Initial Training Syllabus

People have come to me in the last month seeking advice on how to make the change to a healthier lifestyle. It all sounds quite overwhelming when looking at the big picture, so let me break it down into a more focused agenda. Here is an initial training syllabus for your new life.

1. Buy a tote bag! It is the very first thing you should do because it is the most important tool you will need throughout this entire journey. You simply can not expect to be at your healthiest by devouring airplane food, eating out or consuming shelf-stable food (I also highly recommend the mini skillet so you can enjoy warm meals on long layovers, but it is not an essential starter item). I've made it easy for you. Just look under "Links" for a direct, non-stop route to your new best friend.

2. Find a Naturopath you love. Searching for a doctor is a lot like dating, several of the same rules apply:
  • Don't settle until you find "The One"
  • You may have to go through several until you find a perfect match
  • Don't feel discouraged, there is someone out there who will meet and understand your needs
  • When you know, you know
  • When you find a good one, go any distance, trust in him/her, hold on tight and don't let go
3. Obtain a copy of this book: The World's Healthiest Foods by George Mateljan. This book is like a bible for healthy eating. It has everything you could ever want to know about every whole food in existence. Not only does it break down the nutritional value of each whole food, the jobs and benefits of every vitamin and nutrient, explain the glycemic index and each food's number, it also tells you the shelf life of items and how they are best prepared. If that wasn't enough, there is even a section that talks about common diseases and disorders and how to prevent and cure them through eating. I am not exaggerating how amazing, informative and important this book is. Again, I've made it easy for you to become a proud new owner of this phenomenal book by simply clicking on it's link.

4. Make a list. It's time to turn off all distractions, sit down and do some self reflection. Call me old fashioned but I believe you need to physically write out, on a piece of paper, with a pen, a list of all the changes you want to make in your life. Then start putting them in order from most important to least. After that is complete, begin with number one. Once the first change becomes a natural part of your everyday life, start on number two. Continue down your list using this same method. You may find you start adding to your list or changing it around a little and that's great. Just as we never stop growing or changing, neither should your list.

5. Change your shopping habits. Now that you have an idea of the changes you need to make, it's time to hit the grocery store. Begin by only shopping the perimeter as much as possible. Focus on fresh produce and meats. Eventually, make your way to the health food isles for things such as nuts, seeds, broth, preferred milk substitute, a few whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa, spices and other cooking essentials. Beware of these inner-isles filled with deceitful temptations. ALWAYS read labels, even if it's something you always buy, because ingredients can change. Avoid items if you don't know what even 1 of the ingredients is, if there are more than 5 ingredients, and if sugar is in the first 3 ingredients. Beware of the words "All Natural", which can be translated into, "We think you are stupid enough to believe that this is healthy because we used the word 'natural'". The previously mentioned book will give you the knowledge you need to read these labels effectively.

6. Find a way to freeze some meals. Even if you can only have a few in your freezer at a time, it is one of the most important parts to this whole plan. Even the "healthy" frozen food from the store doesn't hold a candle to your own homemade meals. It is even wonderful to have these frozen meals for when you come home. The last thing you want to do after being gone for days is to think about what to make for dinner. Having meals stored in your freezer keeps you from dialing the death lines, AKA Delivery and Take Out.

Changing your life is a huge process, and it is just that, a PROCESS. It doesn't happen overnight and there are good days and bad days but eventually it will become second nature. Start with these few tips and essential items and you already have a great head start.

As Always,

Here's to Life, Love, Health and Happiness! Cheers!

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