Friday, December 2, 2011


"Patience is the companion of wisdom" -St. Augustine

I am often asked, "How did you learn all of this? It is so overwhelming, I don't think I can do it." Well, I'm here to tell you, you can. I didn't change my life overnight. It's taken me the last 4 1/2 years to get where I am today and I'm still learning more with each passing year. Directing your energy into changing your current circumstances instead of dwelling over them is a great starting point.

In the beginning everything overwhelmed me. I would go to the grocery store and not have any idea what I was looking for. The natural food isle was like a foreign country with the word "organic" for it's language. I probably read every label on every item until I became familiar with the different brands and ingredients. The best advice I received was, if it has more than 5 ingredients and you don't know what even one of them is, don't buy it. That is where I began. If I was unsure what an ingredient was I'd put it back on the shelf. My mother was a huge help. She was always finding new foods to make my dad who is diabetic. She would share her findings and recipes with me, just as I am with you.

When it came to learning how to cook, what spices to use, how to substitute ingredients etc. it was, and still is today, trial and error. It took doing something over and over again, and most of the time failing miserably, to learn. Many times I could be found crying over my garbage can as I threw away several dollars worth of food that was completely inedible. But I never gave up.

When you are changing your lifestyle, I suggest doing it in stages. For example, if you want to change the way you eat, start by changing just a few items. Once buying and cooking those items becomes second nature, add a few more. Once you get your grocery list and recipe box the way you want it, start adding exercise into your life. Ideally, you should work out for 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. If you can only add 30 minutes once a week, then do it. When you accomplish that then add another day or two until you are finally at your goal.

Being patient with yourself and taking life one step at a time will help you accomplish your goals with pride. Pushing yourself and beating yourself up will only inhibit your ability to grow and change. So give yourself encouraging words, treat yourself to something you love after each goal is met and remember that perfection is only a myth.

As always,

Here's to Life, Love, Health and Happiness! Cheers!

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