Monday, January 23, 2012


Wellness: (n.) the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.

This blog is about wellness, which stretches far beyond diet and exercise and reaches all the way to mind, emotion and spirit. I have focused a large amount of my writing so far on the physical side of wellness, especially food, because it is the part I enjoy; the part of myself which I have finally begun to understand, accept and love. However, I have avoided the other side of wellness, mostly because I do not have a strong grip on it just yet. Today I've decided to talk about what I am in the process of discovering.

Definition. It is easy to define a word such as wellness. It is, however, much more complicated to define yourself. After years of seeking out a way to explain Jacquelyn to myself and the world, I have learned an important lesson. Unlike a word, a person can not be defined because a person is constantly changing. Who or what I was yesterday is not who or what I am going to be tomorrow.

"Describe yourself in one word." This is a general, getting to know you, question. My response to this? If I was able to describe myself with only one word, I'd be a very boring person.

If anything, I am a balancing act, constantly trying to find my center. I go for stretches of being super motivated to workout and eat healthy, only to wake up one day and be completely uninterested. There are some days I want to change the world and others where I'd rather not bother. I'll be jamming out to rock music, and all of a sudden, switch the radio to country. Instead of trying to pick just one way of life, one type of music, one definition, I've decided I can be and do it all as long as it makes me happy. Maybe that's the real definition any of us need, to be a happy person.

Find what makes you happy each day, what gets you out of bed with a smile on your face. Don't worry about holding yourself to a standard. If you want to eat really healthy and get in a long workout one day and the next you'd rather sit at a coffee shop all day with a good friend and get nothing accomplished, then do it. Having a healthy spirit and a healthy mind are both part of having an all around healthy life.

As always,

Here's to Life, Love, Health and Happiness! Cheers!

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